Schizophrenia because of sexual abuse

Anxiety, depression, substance abuse, posttraumatic stress ... Some of the documented mental illness in children who suffer sexual abuse. Unfortunately, this long list should be more disorders: psychosis or schizophrenia. We just confirmed a new research conducted by Australian scientists. Margaret Cutajar, Monash University, is lead author of the essay in 2759 which involved child victims of sexual abuse when they were under 16 years and have been compared with 4,938 other individuals Schizophrenia causes.

In all examined the rate of psychiatric illness. Over a period of 30 years, those who had experienced abuse in childhood had a higher prevalence of psychotic disorders (2.8%) and schizophrenia (1.9%) than the control group (1.4% and 0, 7% repectivamente).
A relevant work, published in the latest Archives of General Psychiatry, is referred to the risk of developing these disorders was even higher in children who suffered penetration, whether with an object or the penis, for such abuses and the Schizophrenia causes.

Schizophrenia because of sexual abuse

Moreover, "the child rape in adolescence (between 12 and 16 years) have a 15 times higher risk of developing psychosis compared with the general population," the researchers said. They argue that, according to these data, "the victims should receive medical and social care supported by the knowledge that they have a higher risk of developing psychotic illness Schizophrenia causes.
. This treatment should focus on improving its current performance and adaptation to requirements of the transition from adolescence to adulthood, "they say. This approach should benefit all victims, regardless of whether or not they more likely to have schizophrenia. "

Schizophrenia causes

This finding adds to other research, published in the latest American Journal of Preventive Medicine ', with 70,000 women who suffered physical or sexual abuse before 18 years, finds a clear association between the abuse and increased risk of diabetes type 2 in adults Schizophrenia causes.

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